Denise's Inspirational Melodies Blogsite was established to breathe life and joy into this site's viewers. The content of this blogsite is faith-based and uplifting. It is my desire to share the love of Christ through my writings, books, videos, and my testimony.
Denise’s other works, A Breath of Melodies – “Inspiring Souls” ©2004 “Naima’s Inspirational Melodies” Inspirational poems that God speaks to my heart. The words that I write are given by divine revelation of inspiration and encouragement through the Holy Spirit.
Everyone has a purpose and talent that needs cultivating after we are planted. We must look for avenues of hope and grace that will allow us to grow and become examples of God's original plan for our lives. Also, we should look for ways to plant the seed of love, hope, and faith in God.
My Blogsite is open to all people who desire to learn or experience more about Jesus. I ask that everyone who comments to be respectful and mindful of all comments and interactions. Please feel free to stop by any time and visit my blog to be inspired. I will be posting two to three times a week. God bless you.
First post is great