Saturday, January 28, 2023

An Everlasting Wedding


An Everlasting Wedding

Revelation 19:6-9

6 And I heard, as it were, the voice of a great multitude, as the sound of many waters and as the sound of mighty thunderings, saying, “Alleluia! For the Lord God Omnipotent reigns! 7 Let us be glad and rejoice and give Him glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His wife has made herself ready.” 8 And to her it was granted to be arrayed in fine linen, clean and bright, for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints.9 Then he said to me, “Write: ‘Blessed are those who are called to the marriage supper of the Lamb!’ ” And he said to me, “These are the true sayings of God.” 

            Are you ready church? We have a wedding celebration that is prepared for us by Jesus Christ. There is only a little time left to get ourselves ready for this glorious day to come. Have you received your invitation? If so, have you rsvp’d yours? Stop right now with whatever it is you’re doing and handle your business and affairs because this is a one-time only invitation, and you don’t want to miss it!

            The saints of God must understand the true nature of this crucial wedding that they are getting prepared for. You see the day when we accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior that bind us to Him. Our journey started there at that moment for us to join Him and begin a love relationship with Him through His Word and Spirit. 

            As our old mind sets and ways start to shift by the reading of the Word of God we are being transformed and renewed into being a new creation in Christ. The Holy Spirit makes His presence known to us by an encounter of His choosing e.g., dream, vision, prophecy, or place, etc. However, He does it you are the only one that knows when your spirit and life changed.

            Now that the journey has begun our hearts and minds are now being renewed daily to follow Christ and obey His Word. He’s weaving a love relationship with us that we’ve never known before, and the joy of the Holy Spirit fills us with this hope and peace it’s far greater than a beautiful diamond ring. Yes, the Holy Spirit seals us to Christ till the day of redemption. We are set apart to be used for God’s glory and because we are His bride- the church.

The things that we used to do we don’t want to do them anymore. Now that we have found someone whose love is stronger and who loves us even more is a love worth fighting for. There is no time or room for any more loves, idolatry, falling back in love with sin, picking up our old ways, sneaking out at night to see old boyfriends, no more pillow talks and late-night phone calls to stir up lust and passion.

Our time is now being spent doing the things of the Lord. We’re praying and praising Jesus for saving us, interceding for loved ones and others to get saved, reading the Word of the Lord, going for walks, and talking with the Lord as we go about our day. Thanking the Holy Spirit for being our helper and for guiding us through the journey.

Although life is still going on and the enemy is always operating in people that we either love or are acquainted with to distract us from our time with the Lord. That’s why the Lord sent us the Holy Spirit to help us and to teach us the Word of God, so that we could see the things that are happening in the spirit and natural world. This is to equip us to be able to walk in the Spirit for the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of all truth.

We must continue to pursue our relationship with Jesus and grow to understand His nature and how He wants to be loved by us. He demonstrated His love for us by dying on the cross for the sins of the world. He has a plan for us to not harm us to give us hope and a future. Now that we are united with Him through the Word and Holy Spirit and the Father our intimacy must remain active. Truly a marriage is only beautiful and pure as your love for each other flows back and forth. 

Christ has done the work to prove His love for His bride when He gave up His life for the church to be His only bride forever. Now that we are being prepared through our service to God daily and being washed and clean with the Word our hearts and minds should be focusing on our wedding day.

Quietly ponder if you will on the day how amazing it will be to sit at the table as a bride of Christ. All hearts and spirits will be new, and the heavenly hosts will all partake in worshiping our King of kings – Jesus Christ our Savior forever lives.


An Everlasting Wedding


While you wait in obedience

As you pray to the Lord with faith

His will is always the best

 Keep seeking Him with your heart

He knows every single thought

As He works it out for your good

 The Lord is with you in the midst

Open your soul as He fills it with love

When you smile know that you are His

 He loves everything about you

 His Spirit is Omnipresent

He hears every single prayer that you moan

 Don’t stop thanking Him for His mercies

He has all the power and blessings to rain

You will never be without His love

 Keep God first and He will meet you

As you walk down the isle of grace

Take His hand and don’t look back

 ã2004 “Naima’s Inspirational Melodies”


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