Saturday, January 28, 2023

Safe in His Arms


Safe in His Arms

Psalm 91:1-2

He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. 2 I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress; My God, in Him I will trust.”


            As I pray every day sporadically throughout my waking hours my heart is open before You Lord. Because I know that Your eyes are watching over Your people whose hearts are stayed on You.  The sparrows live among the living, and they know that it is You who provides them their food and shelter.

Where would any of us be if we didn’t have our faculties to function and think? The Bible has given us a plethora of wisdom to see how to live righteous and follow the commandments of God. The commandments were written to teach us how we must choose to live godly to walk with God and reverence Him. Every living being has a purpose to perform while here on earth. Yet there are other spiritual beings that live among the living who are against the will of God.

As we go through life there will be times when trouble will find us and terror is all around us, but the Word of God has warned us to not fear because the Lord is with us. He has eyes to see and knows the things that are evil and the wickedness that comes against His saints. 

We must speak the Word of the Lord and read it aloud to release the power of God as it is our defense and sword. Fret not when this happens because our faith is being increased as we witness the power of God before our eyes.

Yes, every living being that moves, breathes, and sings praises unto the Lord gives Him the glory for the ability to move and have life. Our troubles are only for a season. The valley may be difficult but keep walking the Lord has made a road for us through the wilderness and have provided a river in the desert. There may be some dry places in your life when you cannot seem to get well, short on your payments, stricken by some bad news but, know this that this too shall pass.

We are pilgrims here and our bags must not be too heavy walking around with unnecessary worries and things we cannot change. Pray to the Lord for He knows everything and cares about what happens to us and all about the concerns that may be troubling us. He feeds the sparrows and hides them during the storms and sometimes they have no nest to lay their heads and they too get weary and worn and God continues to bless them to carry on and grant them what they need.

 As we reverence the Lord for every bread crumb and healing in our bodies, we must thank Him for protecting us from danger seen and unseen. Beware there is wickedness happening close by and by the power of our praise the Lord has raised up a standard of righteousness to shield us. Now if He can do all of these things and fight the unseen things that’s encircling around our paths, homes and lives to destroy us, that is far more than enough to give Him all the adoration and praise.

Let us give Him our hearts right now. There’s not one thing that gets passed Him regarding us and that is why we believe He is the God of the holy scriptures. He alone in all His infinite wisdom time past, present, and future knows and performs His Word according to the counsel of His will.

We no longer need to ponder if Jesus loves us because He provided a way of escape from eternal damnation by dying for our sins. The Blood of Jesus was the final payment to redeem us for the penalty of our sin debt. He is the mediator for us before the Father. We are now reconciled to God through His Son, Jesus.

His eye is carefully upon us by guiding us with His Word and Holy Spirit. We must keep moving along the paths that He has laid out for us. As we remain steadfast in our faith it is our shield and buckler for His eyes are on the sparrow at the same time. Because He reveals to us if two sparrows are sold for a penny and have earthly value than our gift of salvation and eternal life is by far much greater of value than all the other things that God created because we are made in His image. He put His laws into our hearts so that we would learn about eternity and know and trust in Him for everything till the ends of the earth.

Numbers 23:19 “God is not a man, that He should lie, Nor a son of man, that He should repent.
Has He said, and will He not do? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?


He Leadeth Me

 The winds may blow

And yet the storms will come

I’m trusting in You Lord for my refuge

Trouble is in my way and I’m tired

Sometimes I have to cry

Please come see about me

 You’ve always fought my battles

This too shall pass

I’m holding on to Your saving grace

You are my anchor in the midst

I serve a mighty God that answers prayer

As I make it through

 I can sit and look back over my life

You have been that rock and light

Every step that I made You cleared the way

 ã2004 “Naima’s Inspirational Melodies”


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