Monday, January 30, 2023




Psalm 90:12

12 So teach us to number our days, That we may gain a heart of wisdom.


We’ve all been given the gift of time. God is the Creator of all things and decides how much time to give each living being. Time is a divine gift that we are given when we’re born, and the sum of time is subtracted as we live. Our time has been set for a number of days, hours, minutes, and seconds before we die.

Everything that we say and do is being recorded within this scope of time that has been allotted to us. There is a right and wrong way to live our lives. The Holy Bible is our instructional handbook for life to follow for righteous living. The Book of Ecclesiastes expresses how our living is divided up into time here on earth. The passages in chapter three reveals to us what seasons of life were in because this is the cycle of time that’s been written since man learned the knowledge of good and evil.

Many of us are in a hurry to live our lives to begin new adventures, study for a special career, attend an important event, a milestone celebration, or maybe we are stuck in a situation that’s giving us great frustration, or maybe it’s the opposite we’re doing okay. But for some people they are living their lives to the fullest eating, drinking and being merry going along their way.

As we ponder about our lives everything that we’ve loved or will love will leave us. Everything that we’re toiling for maybe nice and have given us some comfort and happiness, however, that too is only temporary. Basically, all that we may have are memories and even that fades over time.

People will come and go in our lives as we are always evolving. The way that we may feel today about life will probably be different in a few years. We think about how we feel or what we want out of life most of the time, without realizing that there’s no promise that tomorrow is ours.

We are being influenced in how our lives should be or look like through the lenses of Instagram or other social media platforms. The eye of the soul is never satisfied with the blessings we do have. These spirits of excess and obsession will never be quenched. It’s like chasing the wind it never stays in one place it’s always roaming. New trends are coming out every single day enticing us to follow them.

Remember the clock is ticking and winding down towards those seconds of life. As we start to realize the life that we’ve been given by God our Creator our thinking will start to change. What will we be remembered for who did we help, love, encourage, mentor, counsel, intercede prayers for and hold hand when life got tough? These are just a few thoughts to shift our minds and hearts to evaluate our time and our own realities that we’re living.

Everything that we talk about and focus on that’s what gets our time and energy. We must be mindful as children of God we are in the world, but we must not be chasing after the exact same things as the world glorifies and deems great. We need the wisdom to know the difference in who or what to follow in this age.

We are being influenced by spirits that attach themselves to these social media platforms. One of the signs to watch out for is how many hours a day do we sit and watch these platforms, and what is the content we’re consistently listening to? Here are a few questions to keep in mind: is the content helping us to forgive and love more, increase our faith, are we growing in the Word of God, being encouraged to pray and find our purpose to why we’re here on earth? We must find balance in how we choose to use our time. Enjoy life but don’t forget about God it is important that we love Him. 

Christ is our number one priority who we should be following. He must be the head of our lives and the reason to why we are motivated to doing good and exhibit His love to others. He doesn’t want our traditions, attending church service religiously, giving our tithes and offerings faithfully in place of laying our hearts and minds before the altar. God wants us to put Him in the front at the top of everything and above all the opinions of the people we respect, love, follow, like and admire. He is the one who holds time and offers everlasting life.

Truly the way that we live our lives is our choice but know this everything that we do for Christ will be accounted for and everything else will all go back to the dirt as well as our bodies. Our souls go back to God for judgement. A life that finds God will inherit an everlasting life. In all love God first and trust His ways and plans for our lives, everything else will not matter because it is temporary.   


All Living Creatures


 Butterflies are beautiful to behold

When the heavens praise Me

I rejoice by sending you my sunlight

 All living creatures are special

I designed every creation that lives

There is purpose in living

 I send the rain to replenish the earth

When in doubt read My Word

For I created My Word to obey Me

 Don’t try to understand everything

My greatest creation is love

When you seek you shall find

 When you praise My name, I move

Look around and witness My glory

The earth is bearing fruit

ã2004 “Naima’s Inspirational Melodies”

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