Monday, February 6, 2023

Bless His Name


Bless His Name

Psalm 104:1-5

1 Bless the Lord, O my soul! O Lord my God, You are very great: You are clothed with honor and majesty, 2 Who cover Yourself with light as with a garment, Who stretch out the heavens like a curtain. 3 He lays the beams of His upper chambers in the waters,
Who makes the clouds His chariot, Who walks on the wings of the wind,
4 Who makes His angels spirits, His ministers a flame of fire. 5 You who laid the foundations of the earth, So that it should not be moved forever,


Jesus, Your hands are strong and mighty as You move things around in the heavens and earth. Earth is painted with many hues that depicts a lovely canvas of a beautiful masterpiece. The foundations are laid and stretched the way that You see it. The heavens are above the dimensions of mortal beings. When You speak things happen and appears like the artist who paints what he sees in his mind. And yet, You deal with mankind with loving hands by showing Your gentleness and patience toward them.

Lord, You feed every living being by Your hands. As You know it’s purpose for why You made it. Our lives would be no more if You were to pull Your loving hands away from us. We think and move our bodies the way that You created us to function with breath in us. When we rise in the morning each day is like a newborn seeking food, love, and care. And yet, so many of us forget to pray, and say thank you to You first.

Thank You for allowing the storms and bad times to come into our lives. If it were not for the hard times and long dark nights, we would not have fallen to our knees to say help us and Lord where are You in the midst? We’ve gotten so busy with living and surviving on our own. But because of Your loving kindness, tender mercies, and precious grace we are still here. And yet, You still continue to keep blessing us one blessing after another. Hallelujah!

Great is Your name for You are worthy of all the honor, glory, adoration, and praise! Yes, Jesus You are the Messiah, the anointed King that we sing about, pray to and read about in Your Word. Worthy and righteous the precious blood of the Lamb of God. Your infinite provisions are everlasting, and we exalt Your name for being our maker of the heavens, the earth, and all living beings. You still speak to us as You have from ancient of days to the present. And yet, so many have turned to the things of this world to guide them. Please help us Jesus to not forget all of Your benefits and righteousness.

Saints as we ponder let us take a moment to bow our hearts and minds to give God the glory for who He is in the universe and in our lives. We have been called by our names to wake up this morning to see, hear, pray, praise, love and give our thanks to Jesus for being our Lord and Savior. He shows us His love by calling us out of the world and have smeared us with the blood of Christ and He calls us His own. Hallelujah!

There is so much grace bestowed upon us to magnify the Lord while we still have a chance. And yet, no one knows what tomorrow holds but we know the One who knows the end of a thing before He creates it.

Behold the righteous Lamb of God our King of Judah and King of kings. Bless the Lord and praise His holy righteous name. The power is His and the kingdom of God is His dwelling place. Jesus our hearts bow down before You. You have not forsaken the righteous and for Your faithfulness we believe in You and trust Your Word and give our lives to You. The sounds in the earth were designed to make a joyful noise that only You understand. We say thank you Jesus for being King of kings.

Our bodies are frail, and our strength is weak, but mighty is Your everlasting power to lift us and sat us upon a rock to establish and plant us where You see fit. The tears from our hearts are filled with love and gratitude for the love that You have for us. Please be gentle for we are flawed and feel unworthy of the love that You show us. Praises are flowing from our hearts because You put us in Christ. We are the redeemed people that You saved. Your royalty, powers, and dominion are Yours.

Many call You, Yeshua and Jesus “the Lord saves.” We stand in unison unworthy knowing that we are all sinners, and You are holy. We thank You for Your faithfulness toward us in all our imperfections. We bless Your name the righteous One who died for the sins of the world to save all who repent and come to You. Please forgive us. We do believe in You and Your works speaks.


Bless His Name


Lord You are my rock

As I lift my voice toward heaven

I love You for who You are

In my soul lives Your spirit of joy

When I’m lost and weak, I cry out to You

I have found power in Your name

Tears of love I cry because You’re real

My spirit and soul have matured to believe

I cannot depend on any other name

Jesus, I call You the Messiah and King

You are the one who keeps me from falling

Bless it be to Your sweet Holy Spirit

The peace that lives within my praise

I am thankful for such understanding

Bless Your name when I pray

 ã2004 “Naima’s Inspirational Melodies”



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