Friday, February 3, 2023

Pray and Believe


Pray and Believe

 Mark 9:23-24

23 Jesus said to him, “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.” 24 Immediately the father of the child cried out and said with tears, “Lord, I believe; help my unbelief!


            We must pray to the Father in heaven for His will and help in our lives. The unseen weapons, attacks, enemies, plots, and wicked spirits that come against us is Satan’s plan to kill, steal and destroy us. But the Father sees everything in the spirit and physical world. Every step toward our healings, breakthroughs and victories are ours according to our faith and His will. There is a path that He has laid out for us to follow Him on our journey.

            The path is the narrow road that we must find to remain in the will of the Lord. The things that we are hoping for in this life must be according to the Father’s will. He knows us and sees our hearts. He also knows the plans that He has for us and knows what is best for us and not good for us. Therefore, we must humble our hearts and minds to trust Him no matter what the outcome is to our prayers. 

            The Lord is merciful toward us and desires to reveal many things to us so that we will know Him in a personal way. As we grow in the Word of the Lord and delight ourselves in Him, He will give us the desires of our hearts. Let me expound on the scripture Psalm 37:4 Delight yourself also in the Lord, And He shall give you the desires of your heart. When we come to Christ and accept Him as our Lord and Savior, we are now believers and followers of Christ. The person we were before giving our lives to Christ was different. Our minds and hearts were not seeking the kingdom of God and all His righteousness. We lived the way of the world and had no understanding of godly living according to God’s standards of right living.

So now as we live our lives for Christ we are being changed into a new creation in Christ Jesus. The Word of the Lord is renewing our minds and hearts to teach us God’s way in how to live and please Him. The old is passing away and the new things that we’re learning is about God’s spiritual kingdom these things are slowly being revealed to us according to the working of the Holy Spirit who dwells inside of us. He is our helper and teacher.

As we serve God and trust in Him, we can pray and believe that He will give us the desires of our hearts. When our spirits and hearts are made new, we should no longer be desiring the things of the past that might not be good for us, could be a hinderance in our walk, turn us away from serving the Lord or may not be in God’s will for our lives.  That’s why we must first love Him more than the things we pray for or want.

He is loving and kind towards us. As we grow spiritually in our walk with the Lord, we will enjoy the intimacy of having His peace and knowing how personal the relationship feels in just loving Him without other conditions. The more that our inner man (our new spirit) understands and delight in the things of God, He makes His presence known to us. We will dream dreams, have visions, and receive revelations from the Holy Spirit that will bless our lives in many ways because He is revealing to us what the Father’s will is for our lives. This is all the work of God operating in our lives in the spirit to teach us His ways and nature.

The Lord will test our hearts to see how badly we want His love versus the earthly things that we are believing and praying for. He wants us to see who we are so that our hearts and motives will determine if we truly love God for who He is or for what He gives to us. Also, will we be willing to continue building our intimacy with the Lord if He blesses us with a spouse, heal us, deliver us, etc.

There’s nothing too hard for the Lord. Wherever we are in our walk let us humble ourselves and be honest do we really want to go all the way with Jesus if He doesn’t bless us with the things that we have hope and prayed for? Our answers will be revealed in our fruit in our lives. Some people will walk away from God just before receiving their miracle, and others will press on.

Our faith is the key that we’ve been given to have access to the kingdom of God. The blessings and answers to our prayers are stored in the spirit realm with God. When we receive the blessings of the Lord, we know it’s from Him because we have peace and joy in knowing that our heavenly Father heard our prayers and cries. Our hearts are overwhelmed with the love that we’re receiving from heaven. Our praises are flowing from our lips and hearts as we witness the power of God. It is through our faith and trust in Him that we receive what we ask and believe in Jesus’ name. 

There is always going to be seasons of trials and testing, but we must persevere through it by faith to reach the outcome of God’s will for us. As we continue to run our race, we must remember that the Lord knows what is best for us. Let us not get stuck on our prayers to the point that we forget why we’re running our race.

If God doesn’t answer our prayers, we must accept His will and pray for His peace about it. We must press forward and lean not to our own understanding about matters but follow the narrow road until we enter the gate which leads to everlasting life. The things that we’re praying and believing God for here in the earth does not compare to our spiritual inheritance that’s laid up for us. Our eyes should be on the prize for the crown of eternal life.



Believe and Pray


If you pray to Me, I will smile upon you

I will reveal the colors of My heart

Because I want you to have one

Keep Me first in your life

Whatsoever your heart desire

I can fulfill your deepest dreams

I want to be loved and obeyed

I am the One to bless your soul

Please realize that I don’t want to lose you

My child as you grow to understand

I will send butterflies to brighten your day

When you see them believe that I love you

ã2004 “Naima’s Inspirational Melodies”

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